Friday, October 6, 2017

3rd Month

It'd been a long while.
And now 2017 is almost coming to an end.
It's mid of October now, time flies huh?

My last update was in July.
I started my first permanent job in August.
Working life had been challenging and satisfying though.
At least I get to do something meaningful instead of spending time doing nothing at home.

And now I'm typing this during office hour.
I just feel like updating HAHAHAHAHA.

Life as a working adult is significantly different from student life.
You start to worry about the bill, saving plan, insurance plan etc.
Well I guess my parents trained me well for being an independent girl in the past.
But I still feel different, from what I experienced in the past 22 years.
Well I guess this will be another milestone in life.
We always strive to learn and improve ourselves as we grow.

As compared to student life, working adult life can be quite boring. Ha.
My life pace started to slow down and fill with all the works.
During offwork hour, all I can think about is to get some sleep, and stay at home.
Forget about the party etc.

My relationship with papa and mama had improved ever since I decided to come back.
I guess I made a wise decision though?
I would like to make more time for them while I can.

Time flies. I had been dating him for almost a year now.
He's really a good guy, not financially, but mentally.
He will take care of me in any aspect.
I just came back from Sandakan and Penang last week with him.
I accompanied him to attend his cousin wedding in these places.
Sandakan was a nice place to chill and rest.
His uncles brought us to a nice seafood restaurant and I like it ALOT.
I like the fried huge oyster especially (The oyster size is as big as an abalone, IMAGINE THAT)

I'm writing this post to remind myself to constantly learn and strive for success in life.
And I would like to record down the memories for the moment being.
Plus, I'm going for a secondment in Johor Bahru next week, for the rest of the year.
Hopefully I will grow after this :)
All the best.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

七月是个废物月 哈哈哈
八月开始上班 所以七月对我来说 就是个自由自在没烦恼的月份
每天在家睡到自然醒 像猪一样的做废物

再见啦 小金毛
顺便附上 Before and after 的照片让你们看看对比

没有工作 也没有考试压力的日子
去了两次旅行 剩下的日子就是在家慢慢倒数开工的日子
还有这个月尾跟大学朋友们的Krabi 海岛之旅

看些书 慢慢开始学投资


就算有波折 也能雨过天晴


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Vacation Month

Hello the first day of July, I'm back again.
June was a month full of vacation after exam.
I went to Bangkok on 15th of June to 19th of June with Xin Wei,
and then Hong Kong from 24th to 30th of June with my family.

First of all, our long awaited five-day Bangkok trip was a really spontaneous one.
I can still recall there was one day around March where we were attending our lecture classes.
As I was randomly browsing through facebook, I saw a promotion announcement by MAS.
All-in-one flight (30kg of baggage and in-flight meal) only costs RM 300++.
Well we immediately booked our flight right after our class ended hahaha.

It was my third time to Bangkok. Well you may be wondering what's so interesting about Bangkok?
Bangkok is a shopping paradise for us women I would say, and a food paradise.

This time, we still chose hotel which is located around Pratunam Market. 
Pratunam Market is a really good place to go for cheap and nice clothes. 
As usual, the weather in Bangkok is scorching hot. 
I guess throughout our five-day trip, one of the big mistake that we made was that we decided to visit Amphawa Floating Market. 
It was a total disaster Hahahaha. 
It is located two hours away from Bangkok city center. 
The sun and the distance almost killed us hahaha.

Overall the trip was really nice, except that I started to feel ill on the last two days.

Next, I spent five nights in Hong Kong and one night in Macau with my family (24th to 30th June)
It was my second visit to Hong Kong.
I'm never a fan of Hong Kong and to be honest, there's nothing much I like about Hong Kong.
It was winter season where I first visited HK but this time, it was mid-summer.
I would prefer to stay indoor all the time but unfortunately we needed to travel and walk around, a lot.
Many people often said Hong Kong food are very good but honestly, it was overrated, at least for me.
No offense, I guess it's just a matter of personal preference.

I guess unless for special reason, I won't pay a visit to Hong Kong anymore in future.
I can name tons of things that I hate about HK but I can hardly name anything that I like about this country.
The spending level in HK is crazy, many of the people are rude, the streets are dirty etc etc.

Well, enough of my ranting, it was my first time travelling with my whole family.
Previously there were only me, papa and mama.
But this time my brother and my sister were here too.
Well, I guess overall I still enjoy this trip though.

I guess that's all for my update for June, ciao!
See y'all BYE! :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2017



我结束了我ACCA 最后两张 Papers 
我甚至都做好了会Fail 的准备呢 
虽然不希望 但是总是要往坏处考虑 


我只知道 我终于可以做除了读书以外的事了 
ACCA 真的有办法让你Stress 到想撞墙呢 

这也意味着 从去年7月开始的一年ACCA 生涯 
正式宣告结束 我也要跟大学说再见了 

前几天的星期六 我浩浩荡荡的开车上KL去了 
这一次,是最后一次以Sunway 学生的身份回去了
这次是去搬家 ,把我所有的东西从SLV 搬回来
Surprisingly 我的东西并没有很多 (可能很多东西也被我丢掉了) 
好感慨啊 三年 Degree + 一年的ACCA 生活就这样转眼过去了 

那天晚上再次观望 却是另一种滋味

谢谢男人 帮我搬上搬下的,谢谢你啦 💙

带我去云顶玩,虽然所谓的Outdoor Themepark也不知道几时才建好
但是云顶确实变了好多,新建了一个很漂亮的Mall - Sky Avenue 
旧的缆车站也停用了,改用新的 Awana Skyway

这一趟 我们也没干什么 
就是走走逛逛 吃吃的,最主要就是一直在吃 
还记得第一晚 我们俩累坏了,本来想小睡一会 
结果一睡 就是晚上十点了 哈哈哈哈哈 
在云顶冷冷的 晚上11点,我们俩 吃着烤肉喝热汤,


唯一不好的地方就是 云顶的人潮简直是爆满

好像大学毕业到现在 都被ACCA 折磨着 没什么自己的时间 
这个星期四 就要飞曼谷了 
下星期飞香港了 想到就满满的兴奋呢 

还有一件重要事 我也找到工作了 

祝 一切顺利。 

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Main update after a month

Hey. It'd been almost a month since my last update, my apologies my dear blog.
I had been neglecting you for such a long time hahaha and I have several updates for you. 

For the past three weeks I was staying at Melaka.
I have a three-weeks break right after my last ACCA class, before EDC starts on 2nd of May. 
EDC classes are sort of revision classes prepared by Sunway TES in order for us to be more well-prepared for the coming exams. 
It was such a coincidence that his CPA study leave coincided with my holidays. 
So, during those three weeks, we spent most of the free time with each other.
It was the first time where we could spend that much time with each other HAHAHA. 
We sort of studied together as he needed to prepare for his CPA exam on 27th of April.
Most of the days we spent time hanging around at his house, with his mom. 
To be honest his mum is such a good cook, and a pretty nice person to talk to :)
I never leave his house without my stomach fully-stuffed by food.

Also, during one of the weekend, me, Wendy, Xin Wei & Wendy planned a short trip to Xin Wei's hometown, Batu Pahat. 
We spent 3-day-2-night over there.
The trip was such a disaster for our stomach HAHAHA because we just kept eating and eating and eating until I lost count of how much food we had eaten. 
After all, it was such a good catch-up session as we hardly met after our graduation.

My P3 exam result came out on 19th of April and it was a PASSSSSSSSSSSS 
Can't believe it turned out to be a PASS as I only attended half of the classes. 
And now, I only have two more papers left which they are to be attempted in June. 
I can't believe my ACCA journey is coming to an end soon.
That contradictory feeling though.
And I'm going to officially move back to Melaka soon.
Well, it's time to say goodbye to TBS (hopefully) and Sunway, the place that I have spent my four-year time in.

And yup, my 3-week holiday is almost coming to an end.
My EDC classes are starting on 2nd of May :(
But well, May is going to be a really tough one but every hard works will pay off. 
Let's just do this for the last and ever (Hopefully?)

Yesterday (Friday), I went for a catch-up consultation with my dermatologist at Pantai Hospital. 
FYI, I had been seeing dermatologist since September last year. 
I had been suffering from some kind of skin problems because of stress. 
And I started taking oral pill (Roaccutane) ever since then. 
I have a love-hate relationship with those pills though.
After taking those pills, I had undergone an "exploding" stage which lasted for almost a month. 
They called it "IB" (Initial-breakout). 
My face condition became 10000000% worse than before and this scared me out. 
I didn't have the courage to step out from my house and I was afraid that this situation wouldn't get better. 
But my dermatologist said that this was completely normal. 
Things started to get better since December and my face condition had improved so much. 
And today, I went back to see her again as I'm finishing my pills soon. 
Guess what? My dermatologist said that I can finally stop consuming Roaccutane!! 
No more oral pills NOW. HAHAHAHA. 
And I can finally consume alcohol without worrying about the side effects (patients who undergo Roaccutane treatment are strongly discouraged from alcohol consumption and pregnancy)
And my dermatologist prescribed me external application instead.

I can finally get rid of those nightmares. 
Cheers to a better skin. 


Life with him had been so much more amazing. 
Thank you for being such a good boyfriend.
You never fail to take care of me in any aspect. 

Thanks, and lots of love :)
though I know you won't see this. 

Monday, April 3, 2017



这两个星期 其实也没什么
我认识十年的好友 慧敏 结婚了
算是闪婚吧 上个星期五就去她家观礼了
而我因为家里刚有丧事 很遗憾的不能陪她一起出嫁做姐妹
可是真的很替她开心 早点成家 也早点有个孩子什么的

祝福你 永远祝福你


前几天的星期六去了他外婆家 吃了个晚餐
朋友也说我整个人都变了 越来越小女人

Monday, March 20, 2017


考完P3 也两个星期了,不敢相信我又这样KO了我第三张Paper
我已经尽了我最大的努力了 😆

这两个星期 考完了P3 之后,我努力的想好好休息一下 
我又开始担心6月的 P4 和 P6,我的最后两张
考完试后的两个weekend 也是很精彩呢

第一个Weekend Zi Qi 来找我了,来我这里睡了一晚
那个星期六晚上我们还去找了Cassandra 喝茶

星期五晚上回去那天 是因为学校假期吧,TBS满满的都是人潮
很恐怖的人潮 ,如果不是提早买了票,搞不好都回不去了
顺便去看了部 Kong,他说每次看这种电影都会觉得人类的愚蠢真的是无上限啊啊
星期日 欣玮来马六甲了 我们的空姐嘉钰也难得有Offday 
感觉大家都长大了 聊的话题也越来越偏离学生时代


它说,真正接地气的爱一个人,必须能够一起做两件事 - 吃饭和聊天






想起Ella,SHE 里的假小子 



那个对别人板着脸的你,对我却百般古灵精怪 包容我 疼着我的你,





Monday, March 6, 2017

Few days before P3

I only have three days left to P3 exam and I'm so exhausted already.
Just get me the exam papers and that's it.
I'm tired of studying those models over and over again.
Please, just let me pass in one shot. 

Last Saturday he came and visited me, out of his busy schedule, again. 
We went karaoke session with EY gang at Balakong and we were having a good time there. 

There were so many people there, that night (including ex, current colleagues)
And we also held a little birthday surprise for Jiahui And Yi Hwi. 

And now I start to miss him already.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Without me noticing, March is here, and my P3 exam is only one week away. 
Well, I really want this to end as soon as possible. 
Been going vegan for almost a month now, soon I'll be able to eat meat again HAHAHA. 

Last weekend, I went out for a dinner with some of the SBIS members.
Time flies, we used to do all the events together. 
And now, half of them are working adults now.
It's terribly surprising when you realized that those fabulous, unforgettable moment had left us so much far behind.
We went and had our dinner at a vegetarian Indian restaurant and we chatted at a local mamak at USJ until midnight.
I think they formed part of the good memories in my degree life :)
And those good memories will remain in our heart as we go along with our own life.

Yesterday, Choy gave me and Xin Wei a ride to Sunway Lagoon Club to collect our graduation studio photos (one month after graduation ceremony)
And those photos are quite well taken.
Can't believe I'm really a Acconting & Finance degree graduate now. 
Well ACCA graduate on the way :)

Well I can still recall those times back when I was still 13 years old.
I used to be so rebellious and fearless.
I admit that I actually failed my parents a couple of times back then. 
But still, I still managed to make my parents proud after so many years :)
I'm glad I actually took the initiative to make a big change in my life. 
Thank you, to the old Me few years back, and the current Me who still continues to try her very best to make her parents proud :) 

I need to work even harder to ensure that I pass my papers now. 
I can't wait to finish all the exams by June and go travelling around! 
I booked a flight to Bangkok with Xin Wei in June ( one week after our last ACCA exam )
And I'm going to Hong Kong with my parents at the end of June as well :)
and the last one, Krabi trip with my besties in July. 
I actually prefer to start working from August onwards.
So yeap, let's just work harder from now on.
And all the best for my third paper next week! 


Tuesday, February 21, 2017


I went back to Melaka this weekend. 
It'd been a while since CNY holidays.
This week is PT week so we will not going to have classes. 
I went back on Friday and I gotta go back tomorrow (Wednesday) 

These few weeks had been a really stressful period for him. 
Well I feel so helpless for not being able to offer any help other than mental support. 
But what to do? This is the life of an auditor huh. 
On Saturday, we spent the whole afternoon at his house, with his mom. 
He was busy doing his works on his company laptop, I was studying for my exam. 
He even cooked me lunch.
He apologized for not being able to accompany me properly but I do appreciate his efforts in making his time for me. 

And today, out of his super busy schedule, he squeezed out a few hours just to watch a movie with me. 
I'm truly touched. 
He said even though he's so busy he's still going to make time for me no matter what. 
I appreciate your effort. Thank you. I'm blessed :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentines Day 2017

Happy "Florist-Is-Getting-Rich" Day!
Hahahaha well, I am not a Valentine person.
In other word, I don't find celebrating Valentines Day necessary.
As long as you are happy with your other half, those fancy celebrations don't matter that much. 
My eyes had almost gone blind by just looking at all the overwhelming Valentines post on Facebook and Instagram.

He gave me flowers and hand-written card a few days ago.
We did not celebrate our Valentines Day together as we both were busy with our own stuff in Batu Pahat and KL respectively.
Well, at the beginning I didn't expect anything from him, so he completely surprised me when he showed up with those beautiful roses.
Even in the past, right before him, I didn't celebrate Valentines Day with my boyfriend either.
So it kinda makes up a habit or a normal thing for me.
By the way, thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful.
And what makes me even happier is the hand-written card that you gave me.
You know what, in this 21st century where technology is slowly invading our life, this kind of old-school romance has become increasingly rare.
This is probably the third hand-written card from you ever since we knew each other.
Two post-cards, one Valentines gift card.
I appreciate this efforts, it means a lot to me as compared to anything that can be easily bought by using money.
This effort is priceless.

So on Valentines Day, I still attended my classes as usual.
There was nothing really special about this day though.
I went for a dinner at a vegetarian restaurant with Kathleen, Xin Wei, Yi Zhen and Choy.
That was our kind of Valentines Day hahaha as our partners were not around too. 
Kathleen came to Sunway today from Penang and she is going to stay at our house until Thursday. 
Five of us had a really good catch-up session over our dinner and we even video-called Jia Yee too.
I'm so glad to know that she is doing well in Singapore :)

After the dinner, me, Xin Wei and Yi Zhen paid a visit to the Disney Tsum Tsum fair at Sunway Pyramid and we were so obsessed for the Mickey-Minnie plush cushion. 
Three of us are regular player of the game and we LOVE those characters in the game a lot. 
We had totally gone crazy and lost ourselves at the fair though. Hahaha.
There was a machine over there and they let us to play Tsum Tsum game.
If you managed to get score above 8 million you can get a free Tsum Tsum bookmark and a entry to the competition. 
At  the end, we bought ourselves a super cute Mickey-Minnie plush cushion for RM 69.90. 
We must be crazy back then hahahahaha but we were so happy.
This may be considered a Valentines gift to myself? 
And also we passed the game then we won ourselves a super cute bookmark too!

Those decorations at the fair are so cute! Hahaha.
I used to question why some people can be so obsessed about Hello Kitty.
Now I start to question why am I so obsessed about these Tsum Tsum characters.
The rationale behind may probably be the same, but, I still hate Hello Kitty though hahaha. 

Out of all the options, three of us bought the same one.
As yesterday was Valentines Day, the fair was so crowded.
We even needed to queue up for payment for our cushion toy.
Most of the people queuing up for payment were guys (A moment of pity to all those guys, to their wallets huh)

But still, it was a fun night indeed.
And I can't wait to finish the rest of my week and go back to Melaka this weekend. 
And ya, I notice I have been updating quite frequently lately.
But it's okay for me, I just feel like updating.
I want to look back to my posts a few years later and see how much I have grown up throughout the years. 
I guess I have been abandoning this place for too long and it's time for me to catch up.

Sometimes, people comment and tell you what to do.
But in fact, you're the only one that can judge yourself.
I'm glad you actually took the initiative for our relationship when I insisted a NO
Thank you for always taking care of me.
You have taught me to see the best in me.
Thank you for always tolerating with my nonsense.
You cook/bring me breakfast whenever you're around. 
You always offer to help me to dry my hair.
You're the one who always carry most of the heavy stuff but still make an effort to hold my hand.
You're always the one who look through all my hidden thoughts. 
You're always the one who do all the cooking whenever we go for our barbeque dinner at BBQ Plaza/Korean Restaurant or whatsoever. 
You're always the one who extract all the prawn shells for me.
You always run your finger through my hair and tell me how proud you're to have me.
You remember all my likes and dislikes.
Etc etc. 
Thank you for all the little things.
I know you are not going to see this post, that's why I'm so comfortable of writing these in here. 
I may not be the person who is expressive, but I do love you.

Thank you. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Short Weekend Trip

Dear Blog, I'm back! With lots of memories to share. 
So for the weekend this week (11 February-12 February 2017), out of our super busy schedule, dear and I actually squeezed out some time for our first trip.
It was a pretty short but memorable trip.
We went to Kuala Selangor for a 2-days-1-night trip as we couldn't afford to travel too far due to time constraint.

It was him who came across the idea of having our first trip.
After doing couple of researches online, and then we made our mind within a few days.
I love that spontaneousness. 
Kuala Selangor is one hour drive away from Selangor city. 
It's a small town which is well-known for its nature beauty and seafood.
It's one of the rare spot to watch fireflies in Malaysia.

Well, I admit that I am not a romantic kind of person, but he kinda surprised me. 
He drove to my place on Saturday, the first day of my trip, he arrived at around noon time.
I was busy packing my luggage for our trip though.
He showed up with a bouquet of roses, and it brought me surreal shock and surprise.
I asked:" What are these roses for?"
He said:" It's our first Valentine and we can't spend the day together, so I gotta make sure it's a special one."
While at the same time I lectured him for wasting money, I actually felt happy for that. (Such a contradictory creature)
But still, thank you :) They are pretty and sweet, so are you. 
And he actually wrote me a card, it'd been a while since I last received a hand-written card.

After having our lunch, we departed for Kuala Selangor at around 1pm and then we arrived at our hotel at 2pm plus.
We rested and took a short nap as the sun outside was so scorching.
We went and had our dinner near the jetty.
We had our seafood dinner and it was so awesome with a sea view.

While waiting for our 7.30pm boat after dinner,we walked around the jetty and the village.
Kuala Selangor is a really small yet a nice place to chill and rest.
And the sunset was stunning. 
This trip's also the time where I can finally make use of my XiaoYi Sport Camera given by Jing Xian as my birthday present last year.

Then we went and watched fireflies.
It was too dark for me to capture the picture of those fireflies but it was really nice! 
The beauty of nature is beyond words.
It made those trees look like Christmas trees though.

We finished our boat trip by around 8pm and it was pretty early.
We bought some McDonald Nuggets and went back to our hotel.
After taking a really nice shower, we both lied on the bed and started doing our own stuff. 

He was doing his own works and I was studying for my exam.
HAHAHAHAHA this is how two busy person do when they are on vacation.
That night we dozed off quite early as we gotta wake up pretty early on the next day.

On Sunday morning, we had our breakfast at 7.30am at local kopitiam.
It was my favourite kind of breakfast. 
We had kaya toast with half-boiled egg, and a cup of rich Kopi-O.
I will never get bored of kopitiam breakfast I swear.

After breakfast, we got ourselves on the boat again. 
This time, we were going to so-called "Sky Mirror" of Kuala Selangor. 
It took us about half an hour on boat to reach the destination.
"Sky Mirror" is named after its mirror-like reflection of the sky in an island in the middle of the sea that will only emerge for several days every month.
And we're just lucky enough to see it. 

Our 1st stop was a unknown island and they let us to take photo over there but there wasn't anything too special about that island though.
As we walked through the stairs, we found a small forest and a lighthouse. 
Since we had been there, we took a couple of photos too though hahahaha (typical tourist heh.)

Then, our second stop was the Sky Mirror.
The mirror-like reflection will only occur during full-moon and half-moon according to Lunar calendar.
I came across this tour as I read through the reviews on internet.
Although there were so many tourists like us today and we didn't manage to capture a proper photo of us without being photobombed, we did enjoy this beautiful scenery. 

By the time we reached the jetty it was around 11.30am and our hotel check-out time was 12pm.
We were kinda in a rush but we made it though. 
After that, we departed from Kuala Selangor and went back to Sunway. 
And yeah, the end of our first trip.

Thank you for everything.
What you gives me are so different from what I used to have. 
The way we communicate and interact, it's priceless.
May it lasts as it goes.

Happy 3 monthsary, my dear.