Saturday, December 6, 2014




对于那些评语 何必理会
别人不喜欢你这样 那就配合他
如何还是不行 那也没办法了


别人没那个义务 搭理你的黑脸对吧

这些不开心 说起来自己都觉得白痴

关心我 对我好的 你们
净贤 我7年来最好的闺蜜
谢谢你 这些年来的成长如果没有你
这些年来的不离不弃 谢谢你

吴俊贤 这个爱我疼我的男人
谢谢你 这些年来的陪伴与关爱
我们一起成长 一起从幼稚小屁孩变成小大人
喊我肥婆 却一直带我吃香喝辣
我有很多不堪回首的过去 你不介意

还有爸爸 妈妈
我还有很多梦想 很多愿望想实现
你们发鬓渐白 抹不去岁月的痕迹
怕我累着饿着 受委屈
流泪不是因为伤心 是因为想家
这些话让我脆弱的武装瞬间瓦解 泪奔

今晚又得流泪了 。

大学第二年的日子可真不好混啊 好想家 。

Friday, August 29, 2014


I know I don't update my blog very often like what I used to do in the past
Most of the time when I feel like writing something but somehow there are endless stuff to stop me from doing
And now I am here again :)

I used to write my blog post in Chinese language
For those friends who follow my blog from the past until now you might discover that I have started changing my writing language
Nothing special, I just want to improve my writing skill a lil bit more

I am too lazy to upload photos about my recent life
I think my Instagram will tell everything :)
I am now undergoing my first week of my second year in degree
time flies huh, one year went away just in a blink of eyes
My memory is still fresh about how I got used to everything in Sunway University last year
but now, I am officially a second year senior student now :)
I can't imagine that I have two years left to complete my degree, getting closer to my ultimate goal, being an auditor :)

So before this week, I had been going through a one-month-plus semester break :)
It was a money burning, calories gaining break (NOOOOO!)
First of all, I went for a three-days-two night trip to Cameron Highlands with my dear and my best friends and housemates in university

We went for just one reason, to chill
We had been suffering a lot during the final exam week
so we decided to go to a quiet and cool place to chill
going to Cameron Highland is the most economic way and the most convenient way to chill
avoid from the crowded KL city 
just us :)

We actually didn't do much things there
We visited bee farm, strawberry farm, tea farm etc
If you ever went to Cameron Highlands, the events there are all about visiting these farm, right?
And the night market over the Brinchang area at Cameron Highlands!
There are quite a lot of nice food there, and DURIAN !
Overall, Cameron Highlands is really a nice place to rest and for friends gathering :)
Despite the advantages, the only disadvantage is that we had gone through a bad experience riding bus to Cameron Highlands
The road condition on the way to Cameron Highlands will definitely put you down
I vomited three times during our way to Cameron Highlands on the bus !
When we finally reached our pre-booked apartment over there, everyone was like d---y-----ing !

Overall, I really the cold-but-not-too-cold weather over there :)
and the beautiful flowersssssssssss !

After the Cameron Highlands trip, I went to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah again
Yeap, again
Last trip to KK was during around Christmas last year, with him
This time, I went to the same place with him , and his family members as well, and Jia Yee 
His father is a very good man that he always bring me along whenever they go for a family vacation
I appreciate it so much and I find myself lucky that I get to build close relationship not only with him, and his family members too :)

Kota Kinabalu ,Sabah is famous of their Sang Nyok Mee  生肉面
I tried it last time and I miss the taste so so much!
This is my favourite food in KK I can tell !
This is a must-try if you go to KK ! Highly recommended :D

For tour attractions, we visited the wetlands and the mangroves by boat
At the same time you will get to see the famous proboscis monkey in Sabah
They live wild in the jungle and they are protected under the law 

And I am too lazy to introduce other attractions in Sabah :p
please forgive me for that
I have more interest in food hahahahaaa

After the 5-days-4-nights trip in Sabah
I spent most of my times staying in my hometown, Melaka
No matter how far I go, I always miss Melaka
Melaka is a small-but-not-too-small city in Malaysia
but I love everything about it
especially food !!!!!
I always insist that the food in Melaka is the best no matter how
In fact, in my heart, Melaka is always the best :)

Spent my time hanging out with my secondary school friends

I really like the way we communicate and this mode of communication will not change no matter how long we are separated from each other
we used to study in a same class but now
everybody is staying in different states, studying different courses, chasing after different dreams
It is so precious that we can gather together and talk, at least once a year ;)

And of course, hanging out with my bestie

We knew each other since we were both studying Junior one (13 years old)
We have distinct personality 
She is a less talkative person but I like making friends everywhere
She don't eat spicy food but I can't live without spiciness
She has a weak body that she can't afford to do heavy exercises but I like many kind of sport activities and even join muaythai class in university

but somehow I think it was the different personality of ours that brought us together
we'd been in the same class for only three years
in the rest of the years we were studying in different classes
and now, we even study in different country ( she studies in Taiwan now )
we quarreled, we laugh, we share
we don't meet very often but this doesn't affect anything among us
we share every intimate things to each other
and I would do whatever I can do to protect her from getting hurt
Other than my family and him, she is the most important person in my life.
We have been knowing each other for seven years and it is still counting on :)

Thanks for being there for me, through thick and thin. 

The last trip during my semester break 
I went to Batu Pahat for three days with my dear :)

I will discuss on this in detail in next post ! :D

And now, my second year of my degree begins :)
One typical technique that almost every lecturer will use during the first week of the semester is that they always like to terrify you on how hard a particular subject is
Maybe it is true and maybe it is not
it depends :)
In my opinion, I just think that we have to do our very best
As long as you do your best, no matter how the outcome is, at least you try, right?
Try not to get tricked by the lecturer's words.


The result for last semester has been released and I'm satisfied for the result.
At least my hard work pay off :)
Thanks for everything!

I hope this semester will be good to me.
And welcome September :)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

22.05.14 ( Throwback ) Fatboy's the Burger Bar v Salon Du Chocolat PUBLIKA

Hey, here I am again.
I know I don't refresh my blog post very often anymore, like what I used to do.
Today, in the middle of the night, I just want to do a slight recap of my recent life :)

Look at my stressful face OMG!

Firstly, I am, sort of, overwhelmed by the pressure of my study, always. HAHAA
I have come to my last semester of my first year, time flies, huh?
I gradually get used to the up-and-down style of university life.
In university, to get a good grade, you have to work harder than anyone else.
NOBODY is gonna tell you what to do, neither lecturer nor your tutor.
There is no faster way to achieve good result, you have to do revision everyday, to digest all kind of bullshits that lecturer had given during lecture class.
And, of course, assignment.
The only experience I have had during the process of doing an assignment is, NEVER DO YOUR ASSIGNMENT ON LAST-MINUTE BASIS. NEVER!
Most of the time, you have to let go and forget about your old time during your secondary school or foundation level.
Maybe you used to be a genius, you used to study last minute but still manage to get good result, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Well, in university, all these things will never happen. (at least never happen on me)

Well, Ignore the dark side, we should take a look at the bright side. :)

I feel really grateful that I have met a gang of good friends that always are willing to stay with me through thick and thin.
Many seniors used to tell me that there is no true friends in university, most of the time you will all be alone.
However, I am the lucky one :)
Thanks for you guys, for being my loving housemates, my honest friends, my supportive coursemates.
You guys just make my university life an amazing one.

I have joined quite a number of clubs in uni as one day I realized that my future boss will definitely love to have an employee with extra experience other than good academic result. (:

So, firstly I have applied for a committee position in Sunway University Business School Student Council.
I have gone through the interview session and hmm, still waiting for the final result yet.
This is a quite fresh try for me, and hopefully they will accept me, and lemme make some contribution to the business school , please.  (Pray)

And the second, might be a little bit shocking, HAHA.
I have joined Muay Thai Club heh.
Some of you might not know what Muay Thai is, let me just do a little introduction about it.
It is a combat sport originated from Thailand. Muay Thai is referred as the "Art of Eight Limbs" as it makes use of punches, knees, elbows and kicks.
You guys may think that this is kind of a rude sport for a girl.
Well I can say, it is, but it somehow trains your core strength of your body to the max.
The main purpose that I join this club is to learn some self-defense skills and, of course, keep fit!
Though the training session is always a tough time for me, but trust me, no pain, no gain.
Let's fight for a healthier body!

Lastly, I have joined Sunway Business Investment Society and applied for their committee position too.
As a member, we have to lend our helping hand during any event held by the club.
One of the recent event is the Chatime CEO Bryan Loo's experience sharing session!
How lucky I am that I had the chance to met with him and took a photo with him during that night!
He is kind of a ambitious person and he is so young and so passionate of his job that he had made a lot of future plan to expand other business other than Chatime.
Most importantly, unlike other richman, he is not as arrogant as i thought, he is very friendly instead :)

Here is my photoshoot with him! 

And everyone who attended the talk on that night will be given a cup of free Chatime per person and a burger :)
It was so crowded during that night and it is my pleasure to be one of the club members to help out throughout the event (:

The hall is fully occupied.

And finally, free Chatime ROCKS!

And Lastly, Selfie time.
Every event is a chance to get to know more peoples :)

Apart from that, 
most of my leisure time is well spent being with my university buddies.
Around few weeks ago, we went Publika for dinner after our finance midterm test., sort of celebration eheh.
We are totally burger addict and this time, we tried out some new stuff other than the well-known myBurgerLab.


One of the special thing you can do in this burger shop is that you can actually design your own burger just like this:

COOL right?

I ordered a burger that called " WIMPY" 
With pork patty, fried egg, fried bacon and cheddar cheese inside, covered with sesame bun.
And the homemade fries too! They are AWESOME!
But trust me, you can't really manage to finish them all unless you have a super giant size stomach.
At last, it tastes good! Worth to try.

Well, A photo of us. All the girls. ( The guys are going for toilet LOL)

After the main course, we were hunting for dessert!
And Here we are!


Try out their Chocolate Donut and Chocolate Crepe (Milk Flavour)
I personally think that the chocolate syrup is way too sweet for me, maybe dark chocolate will do.
But anyhow, my craving for this is totally satisfied LOL!

And HEY, that's all for today!
see you guys!
 ;) (wink)

Saturday, May 10, 2014



已經Year One Semester Three 了
三餐不定 睡眠時間時長時短
由每兩個星期回 到一個月多才回一次
每次回馬六甲就有種輕鬆自在 有家的感覺

自己在外住 跟一班很談得來的朋友們合租一個房子
才知道 一群人住在一起實在不容易
無論在性格 生活習慣 大家都要互相的融讓
不過最起碼 他們讓我在這城市感受到家的感覺

看見昔日的好友聊著我不懂的話題 跟著我不認識的人
或許因為各自有各自的忙 而減少聯絡 是人之常情
看似獨立 其實我是最需要關心的那一個
把這些想法收在心裡 的確不舒服
已經不是小孩了呢 不能想怎樣就怎樣
有時候說出來 也許還會傷害別人吧
有些心裡話 還是深藏在心裡 深藏在我的文字裡吧

這幾天考試週 加上吉隆坡忽冷忽熱的天氣
病了讓我好想念媽媽的藥材湯 還有爸爸店裡苦得要死的藥材藥水
打電話回家 好想哭 但是不能 不然媽媽會擔心
只能在嘴巴里說著 沒事
傷風咳嗽 讓我整天精神不好 只想睡覺
結果好了 考試真的被我考砸了
該死 為何會犯如此粗心的錯誤

一寫就僅是這些 失落的東西
好吧 此刻 好想來一杯熱騰騰的咖啡

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


" You only miss the light when it is burning low,
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow,
Only know you love her when you let her go. "

A song that I will never forget. A song that I listen to repeatedly.
It reminds me of many things, about us.
How foolish I am to let you go just like that. I used to think that my pride and dignity are the priorities of my life but you prove me wrong.
You came after me begging me for not giving up on us but I rejected you, then I realized how stupid I was.
I thought I could let all these things go but in fact I couldn't.
Luckily, you came back at last. This was the very first time of mine to beg a guy for not leaving me.
Thank you for everything you have done to me, and the efforts that you have put these few years.
We've been through so much tough times, I will never let you go anymore.

2013 is a past then here comes 2014.
I am partially 20 years old now!
Gonna learn to be more mature and responsible.

There were too many things happened in my life recently, too tired to talk, too exhausted to mention about.
Life is too tough to laugh, but still have to learn to smile always :)